Fashion Shoot In Spring Mountain Ranch State Park, Nevada

The past two years I attended WPPI in Las Vegas which is one of  the biggest  Wedding and Portrait Photography conferences in the World.  15,000 photographers meet up for a couple of days for inspiring talks and to swap ideas and to network with each other.  I always come home fully charged with new ideas and fresh inspiration.  When the conference is on groups of photographers meet up and organise their own fashion and wedding shoots in the different locations around Vegas in the desert.  You use these  shoots to practice new techniques and push your creativity in a beautiful environment.   This year I did two of them.  The first one was with Jenn Burnett a Canadian photographer who organised the event in Spring Mountain Ranch State Park Blue Diamond, NV.  I would like to thank Jenn for organising a great day that was enjoyed by all.
Here are a few of my favourite photos from the day:

Host & Stylist:

Jenn Burnett, jennburnett.com, @jennburnettphotography


All models (except Kelly) were provided by BSV Models, http://www.bestshowgirlsinvegas.com, @#bsvmodels

wedding couple in blues

Chase, @paynevaulting,

Miranda, @mandyfox321,

second wedding couple

Fernando, (no insta)

Tiare, @tiareann,

Fashion models:

Torren,  (no insta)

Kelly, (no insta)

Hair & Make Up Artists:

Ashley Nichols: @Hairbyashleynichols,

{hair for Tiare}

Michelle Limon: @Nu_Reflections,

{HMUA for Miranda}

Wendy Ryan Shelton:, @showoff_makeup

{make-up for Tiare}

Wedding Gowns:

Designer: Alyssa Kristin,, @akristinbridal,




Jerry’s Tux Shop, http://www.jerrystuxshop.com, @Jerry’s TUX


CityBlossomsLV, http://www.cityblossomslv.com, @cityblossomslv

bouquets, boutonnieres, tablescape

Fashion Dresses:

Ombre Teal dress:

Rent the Runway, https://www.renttherunway.com, @renttherunway

Navy infinity dress:

BL Couture,, @blcouture

headdress & crowns:

Lily Mairi,, @lilymairi


Elizabeth Gillette,, @egletters


Emily Reno, Weddings and Events by Emily, @thevegasplanner, http://www.weddingsandeventsbyemily.com

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jenn

    Your images are so great, Liam! I am especially struck by the bride and groom on the rock with the mountain framed behind them – just awesome! It was an absolute pleasure to have you back two years in a row. So glad to call you friend and colleague!

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